Breast Augmentation with Implants


“Your Breast

Augmentation journey”


Your first consultation

Following your initial enquiry for breast enhancement surgery, we will be in touch to arrange a consultation. Your first appointment will take place in a prime central London clinic and will last approximately 45 mins. You will see Mr Orfaniotis, who will listen carefully to your wishes and will discuss with you everything you need to know about the procedure, in a relaxed and friendly environment.

How to choose the right size Implant?

After an initial discussion, Mr Orfaniotis will carry out a full assessment and take some important measurements on your body. Based on these measurements, as well as the look you are aiming for, Mr Orfaniotis will recommend a range of implants sizes that best suit your frame. You will then try on different sizes of implant samples (called sizers) that are available in our clinic. The external sizing test will allow you to understand how various implant volumes will look and feel within a bra. Following you initial assessment you will also be advised on whether a breast lift may be also be indicated . You can click here to learn more about breast uplift with implants

The examination will be completed with a 3D scan of your upper body, using the Crisalix simulation technology. This is a very important part of the implant selection process and patients find it enjoyable and very informative. To learn more about Crisalix 3D simulation click here. You can also watch the video at the bottom of the page.

Mr Orfaniotis will only recommend implants that are suitable for your body and your frame characteristics. His expert opinion alongside the combination of external sizing with 3D simulation will assist you in finding the best implant that can achieve your goals.

What happens after the first consultation?

After the 1st appointment we will send you the information with the recommendations and an preliminary plan for your surgery. Specifically, we will provide you with details of the type and size of implants tried on 3D and with sizers, the recommended implant pocket (under, or over the muscle), and the options for other additional procedures, such as uplift or fat grafting.

The simulation images will be sent to you electronically and you will be able to assess the 3D simulation with the different sizes at your own time at home.

Mr Orfaniotis always encourages patients to have a second consultation prior to surgery. It is essential that you are 100% happy with your choice and have all your questions answered before proceeding with breast augmentation surgery. A second appointment can be made either face-to-face or virtually.

After your first appointment we will also provide you with information about the recovery, alongside with our recommendations for post-opeartive supportive bras.

The Procedure

You will arrive at the hospital 60 minutes before you scheduled time for surgery. Mr Orfaniotis and his team will again ensure everything is clear to you regarding the surgery and recovery, answer any last-minute questions, and finally carry out the pre-surgery markings.

Breast augmentation surgery is performed under a general anaesthetic (fully asleep) and the duration is of 60-75 mins. The implants will be inserted via a tiny 3 - 3.5 cm incision at the level of the breast fold. The wound is closed with dissolvable sutures and a waterproof dressing is applied. A recovery-bra will be worn immediately after surgery. No drains are required.

After the procedure you will stay in a hospital recovery room for a few hours, where a nurse will look after you. You will be able to go home, or to a temporary accomodation, the same day. Mr Orfaniotis will check you again after the procedure and ensure that you are safe to be discharged. You will be provided with all the information you need post-operatively, including emergency contact numbers and pain-killer tablets. As this procedure is under general anaesthetic you will require a companion to take you home and look after you for at least the first 24 hours.

*To learn more about fat grafting augmentation click here


During the first week after surgery you will experience some discomfort, which should be manageable with the pain-killers given. You will be able to shower but not bath so the incisions can be kept dry. A non-wired recovery bra will need to be worn all the time for 6 weeks. Recovery-bras are very important as they “splint” the implants within the breast, and minimise any disruption during the healing period, which lasts for approximately 6 weeks. During this period you will be advised to sleep on your back, or on your side with some pillow support.

At this stage your implants are expected to sit high on your chest with some additional swelling. This is normal, especially if your implants are placed in a dual-plane pocket (partially under the muscle). You will however start noticing an improvement in the swelling after the first week. The implants will continue to drop and soften for up to 6 months after surgery, a process also know as “drop and fluff”. You can click here to learn more about the “drop and fluff” process.

Some light activities can be resumed a few days post surgery, including office work and washing your hair. You will be able to shower 48h after your surgery. Patients can drive after 7-10 days. Exercise at the gym and heavy lifting should be avoided for the first 6 weeks, although light jogging can start at 4 weeks.


Aftercare is one of the most important aspects of you cosmetic surgery journey, and this is an area where Mr Orfaniotis and his team are committed to offering an exceptional level of service. Georgios will monitor your recovery very closely and you will feel very supported throughout your journey.

You first appointment will be 1-week after surgery where a member of our surgical team will check your wounds, change the dressings and provide advice on what to do next. You may be advised to start massaging your breasts or wear a breast band to facilitate the dropping of the implants. In addition, we will provide you with a personalised regime for wound and scar care.

During this initial period Mr Orfaniotis’ team will be available to answer any questions via email, telephone, or arrange an early face-to-face review if necessary. There are certain protocols for our aftercare, however we review our patients on a individual basis and therefore aftercare advice may not be the same for everyone.

Your first clinic appointment with Georgios after the surgery will be between 4- 6 weeks time. Another appointment will be scheduled for 4-6 months time, followed by a 12-month last review to check your final result. Additional appointments can be made if necessary.


Breast implant surgery is considered very safe, however there are some early and late complications that you should know before proceeding.

Early complications in breast augmentation are very rare and can be either bleeding or infection. If bleeding occurs after surgery this will very soon lead to the formation of a hard swelling due to a clot (hematoma) in your breast. It will require a return to the operating theatre to wash out the clot and stop the bleeding. Infection is again a very rare event with breast implants, however should it happen, it may lead to an early implant removal and a delay for 3 months until replaced.

Breast augmentation scars usually heal very well and are well-hidden in the fold. However, some people genetically form poor quality scars that can be red and lumpy (hypertrophic), or even grow out of proportion (keloid). Patients usually know already when they have scarring issues and there are a number of options available to prevent bad scarring, or to treat them when they occur.

Late problems after breast implant surgery include:

  • Capsular contracture (Hardening of the fibrous tissue around the implant). This can lead to symptoms of implant distortion and pain that may require revisional surgery. Incidence is 2-3%.

  • Implant rippling (visible indentations through the skin)

  • Implant palpability (usually with large implants in slim patients)

  • Implant rupture (very rare with the latest generation of implants)

  • Asymmetry between the two breasts (more common when the breasts were uneven before surgery and/or the creases were not at the same level)

  • “Double bubble” deformity- when the implant has dropped below the level of the fold, giving the effect of a double curve on the lower part of the breast, when looking at it from the side.

  • Unhappy with implant size (very rare when a thorough assessment has been performed with a combination of 3D simulation and external sizing).

  • Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). This is an extremely rare type of cancer of the immune system, which is associated with breast implants. The disease is specifically linked to textured implants with an incidence of 1: 3200. Patients typically develop a fluid collection in the implant pocket with associated swelling. This happens around 8-10 years after breast augmentation and some specific investigations are needed to make the diagnosis. BIA-ALCL can be cured with surgery, which involves removal of the implant and the capsule. Mr Orfaniotis is not using textured implants in his practice and only offers smooth implants with a nano-surface.

  • Breast implant Illness (BII). This is a term used for a group of variable symptoms that some patients describe after breast augmentation, and they feel these symptoms are side-effects of the implants. BII is not a medical diagnosis and so far there is no scientific evidence to link silicone implants to any systemic disease. It is believed that 50% of the women who had their implants removed showed improvement of their symptoms. Patients with systemic symptoms however need to be investigated medically to rule out other medical conditions before surgery is offered. Currently there are some ongoing research studies worldwide which will hopefully provide some more information about BII in the near future.

Subfascial Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Performed by Mr Orfaniotis. Results at 4 months

Click here to visit our Before & After Gallery

  • Breast Augmentation Details.

    - First appointment: £200

    - Second appointment free of charge.

    - Procedure Price: £7200 - All inclusive package

    - Follow-up: No charge, appointments up to 1 year.

  • - Duration: 60 -75 mins.

    - Anaesthetic: GA (fully asleep)

    - Length of stay: Day case (Home the same day). Overnight stay option also available.

    - Drains: No drains

    - Recovery: 1-2 weeks to return to work, 6 weeks to return to full activity