The “Drop and Fluff” process after Breast Augmentation

Jan 31, 2020 | Uncategorized

Following breast implant surgery the breast and chest tissues undergo a period of stretching until they loosen up and allow the implants to finally settle in their pocket and have a more natural feel. This process is known as “drop and fluff” and can take from several weeks up to 6 months.

Until this occurs, the breasts feel firm, sit high on the chest and have an unnaturally looking fuller upper pole. Usually implants that are placed partially under the muscle (dual plane) can take longer to settle compared to a sub-glandular placement. It is also not uncommon for the implants to drop in different times and look different until this process is completed.

This initial unnatural appearance and possible implant asymmetry can be quite concerning for patients who are not aware of this aspect of the recovery process. It is therefore very important to see your surgeon early and be reassured. During this period your plastic surgeon may recommend the use of a breast band or strap in combination with breast massage exercises in order to encourage the dropping process and minimise the risk of the implants sitting high on your chest wall for a long period.

When the implants finally drop, the upper chest fullness is reduced and the lower pole is filled, giving the effect of a more natural upper breast “slope” , while the nipple is lifted in a higher position. At the same time, the tissues have undergone adequate stretching allowing the implants to move freely (“fluff”) and giving the new breasts a more natural look.

In this picture you can see an example of the Drop and Fluff process in a patient that undergone dual-plane augmentation with 320cc smooth, round implants.

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